1st International Conference Stray Paws Awareness Care (SPAC)
24 – 25th June, 2017
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Metaxata, Kefalonia island, Greece
Please join "KATS"
(Kefalonia Animals TRUST)
in their effort in spaying
and neutering cats and dogs
Please Donate and/or Adopt an Animal Friend for Life
The "ARK"
(Animal Rescue Kefalonia)
is counting on your support for the wellbeing
of all dogs and cats
in the Kefalonia island shelter
Please Donate and/or Adopt an Animal Friend for Life
Stray Paws Awareness Care (SPAC) 2017
Under the Auspices of
The Prefecture of the Ionian Islands and the Municipality of Kefalonia
The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Lynda Thompson, Veterinary Assistant
Vasiliki Leventakou, Economist, Statistician,
cand. PhD Pediatrics & Child Psychiatry
Organizing Committee
Lynda Thompson
Vasiliki Leventakou
The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Scientific & Support Committee
Peter Cherrington: Rehoming & charities throughout Europe
Pat Dolman: KATS (Kefalonia Animal TRUST)
Neutering program, volunteers,VETS visitors,
figure and funding sources
John Ellett: UK fundraiser
Evgenia Gkintoni: Psychologist, cand. PhD Clin. Neuropsychology
Irem Ebru Kuru:Chief Operational Officer & Project Coordinator
Vasiliki Leventakou: Animals volunteering
Peter Lee: MRU (Mobile Rescue Unit)
Animal rescue issues, problems and figures
Dionisis Kappatos: ARK (Animal Rescue Kefalonia)
Animal shelter in Argostoli/Kefalonia
Maria Marina Machado: ARK (Animal Rescue Kefalonia)
Animal shelter in Argostoli/Kefalonia
Madeline Nineham: Private fostering
Lefteris Psarros: Veterinary Surgeon, Medical & Health Issues
Eva Sullentrup: Volunteers, importance and responsibilities
Lynda Thompson: Animal Health Medical Assistance
Kefalonian Municipality: Programs & Law provisions
for stray animals
Animals : Global Issue for Every Society
Sharing the Planet with the Animals
Animals life within large or small Communities
Animals Rights / Mistreatment / Law/Punishment / Penalties /Legislation and Provisions
Stray Animals : Fostering, Volunteering, Training, Wellbeing, Reliance on Donations, Animals Sponsoring, Seasonal Care, Medical Care, Accessories, Grooming, Breeding, Traveling, Saying the forever Good Bye, What my pet taught me, Am I ready for a pet?
Animals, Human Societies & Nature
Animals supporting humans / Service dogs & cats, Psychological issues/ Social issues, Animals welfare, Animals advocacy,
Animals rescue, Animals & Environmental Conservation
Tell us your story
Share your experience and ideas`
Provide solutions
Become an animal advocate
Spread the word
Get inspiration, information, tools, training
Make connections with organizations and experts embracing and promoting the vision of a Society
treating the animals with respect and compassion
Welcome to the 1st International Conference
Stray Paws Awareness and Care 2017
Kefalonia island, Greece
The Stray Paws Awareness Care (SPAC) Conference is a leading event for thought, networking and learning.
Represents the Global Problem of the Animal Welfare in conjunction with the Welfare of the Human Societies.
Aims to present the conditions existing on animals life and rescue, to inspire awareness in local, national and international level.
You are Welcome as Academic, Educational or Social Institution,
as Community, as Organization, as animal rescue group, as animal advocacy group, as environmental conservation group.
Also experts, volunteers, interested on ecosystems, biodiversity
and the animals rights, life, protection and welfare, individual, activists, scientists, artists, intellectuals, all are welcome to exchange knowledge, share problems, withdraw ideas, provide solutions and inspire understanding our society, toward helping the animals
in every possible way for their benefit, and also for the benefit
of our Societies.

Cultural Tours for the participants include:
Medieval Castle of Saint Georgio
Museum of Saint Andrew Monastery
Robola wineries -wine taste –
Saint Gerasimos Monastery
Caretta-Caretta sea turtle inhabitant
Workshop and collaboration with ARK and KATS
animal protecting organisations
“He who feeds a hungry animal, feeds his own soul “
Charlie Chaplin
to Kefalonia island