1st International Conference Stray Paws Awareness Care (SPAC)
24 – 25th June, 2017
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Metaxata, Kefalonia island, Greece
Welcome letter, Conference Chair
Prof. Vasiliki Leventakou
Welcome to the 1st International Conference
‘’ Stray Paws Awareness Care’’ (SPAC)
When wars, diseases, hunger and poverty
make humans struggle to survive,
why deal with the suffering of the animals?
In our world man has overestimated his power towards other species
in nature, believing that the law of the strongest is valid and applies.
But this is the law of surviving in the jungle.
Is this the jungle that man envisions to evolve as a species?
If the society we are seeking, allow tolerance in abuse of the animals,
then we accept abuse as a concept and practice, with aggravating
and harmful impact on health of mankind.
Besides, if we accept that culture and peace
must go hand in hand in civilized world,
then in the concept of creation the term abuse is not included.
But man tends to overlook and underestimate the fact that
he is just one weak link in the long and large chain of Nature.
Moreover, man has become dangerous with his actions in such a speed
that he is unable to capture and realize the meaningfulness,
the importance and the usefulness of all creations on the earth and universe.
We all feel there is a cause of our existence, which unfortunately
we do not always know or can capture in extension,
from the tiny spider working seemingly hopeless its cobweb,
to the proud eagle ripping imperiously the open- ended horizon.
Then the man - who is no more than a passenger in the train of life –
is trusted to develop, provide and evolve his kind on this earth.
This means he came to do no harm.
When we allow ourselves or children to ignore
the suffering of the animals,
we grow a society without compassion.
But like everything in life runs in a cycle mode,
so each person eventually reaches its ultimate point of excellence maturation.
So if the person in the years of his strength and power
has followed and taught contempt and indifference
towards the weak, pain, suffering and abuse,
he should not be shocked facing intolerance and insensitivity
in his children towards his human suffering either
A life of no compassion is a life less of a human
Compassion towards all living creatures make us more of a human!
Especially the animals that live around us, feel our suffering,
have a sense of our feelings, empathize, respond
and seek to accompany us silently, protectively and caringly.
These special creatures that are some of the true wonders of nature,
can not be ignored !
By leaving them isolated, we become the ones overburdened and deprived
of their irreplaceable beneficial sources.
Meanwhile, they feel poorer being cut off
from any communication, touch and contact form.
And this is because they do too experience emotional pain,
much more than physical,
like all the other living creatures on this earth.
In these then, our neatly yards, where not a tiny leaf dares to ignore the wind,
let’s be more hospitable and affable to all young animals
who are born and die in our neighborhood.
A helping hand for an animal in need is not hard or difficult,
it is not a luxury, nor a distraction from helping also our fellow man.
On the contrary,it strengthens the feelings of care and compassion for the human being, since these feelings are the strongest in those who have learned to love and respect nature as well as all its creatures.
Compassion towards Animals makes us more than of a Human!
Vasiliki Leventakou
Welcome to Kefalonia and Ithaca, 1st International Conference regarding
Stray Animals Awareness and Care
Come and Join us !
After the Troy War, Odysseus was tormented in the wild open sea for more than seven years,
before the waves finally washed him up exhaustively offshore of Ithaca.
And the first living soul he encountered that recognized and gratefully welcomed him,
was his faithfully beloved old dog Argos.
Argos died soon after being thankful and comforted that his master
was finally secured and safely returned.
In honor and respect to all strays of the island of Kefalonia and Ithaca and also all over the world,
we announce the 1st International Conference "Stray Paws Awareness Care” (SPAC), to draw awareness, attention and tribute to all these living creatures who offer us in return more
than their precious life truly deserves
Help make a difference and sign up
to volunteer today!

Few thoughts of the Organizer,
Lynda Thompson
Having moved to kefalonia more than nine years ago,
I soon realized that there were serious problems regarding the stray animals and I felt that I had to try and help in some small way
by fostering, caring for the injured and rehoming.
Working for a local Vet has shown me the improvements
that have been made over the past few years
but also the challenges that we still face to protect these poor souls.
I hope that this conference will help people to understand
that the animals, like us, have feelings and need to be loved and cared for
and not abandoned or abused.
By all of us playing a small part and working together,
hopefully we can make Kefalonia (and other parts of the world),
more compassionate about our animals,
thus also making a happier place for us humans.
This is just the Beginning !!!
Lynda Thompson