1st International Conference Stray Paws Awareness Care (SPAC)
24 – 25th June, 2017
Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture
Metaxata, Kefalonia island, Greece
General Abstracts / Papers submission, May 15th, 2017
Applications for the 1st International Conference "Stray Paws Awareness Care’’ (SPAC) 2017
must be addressed to Conference Secretariat, e-mail address : scientificongress@gmail.com
Letter of interest
Short e-mail letter of interest not exceeding 200 words, including:
full name and profession of the applicant (s)
University, school, organization
postal address, country
e-mail address, phone, web site (if available)
discipline and short description of the project, no longer than 200 words
Abstract by May 15th, 2017
The abstracts must not exceeding 300 words in word document along with a short title in capital letters provided
Must be original and the structure must include as mandatory: Purpose, structural methodology, scientific approach,
findings, research and innovation (if applicable), practical and social implications, conclusion
Must be in form that would be acceptable for media release use
Short CV/Biography of the applicant(s)
Not exceeding 200 words in word document, form suitable for media release use
A still image or portrait of the applicant in jpg form
Full papers by May 15th, 2017
Must not exceed the 2000 - 2500, including figures, references, tables and appendices
Payment proof of the application /entry fee euro 30 non refundable
All Conference participants are invited to provide their presentations in advance in digital form (usb)
Abstract / Paper Registration fee : Euro 100 Payment required upon the acceptance confirm
(inclusive 2 days coffee breaks, cocktails and snacks)
Conference Full Package Participation Fee : Euro 300
(inclusive abstract /paper registration fee, plus 3 days for 1 person accommodation in 4 stars hotel/breakfast /dinner/cultural tour/transportation to & from the conference venue, 2 days inclusive coffee breaks, cocktails and snacks). Payment required upon the acceptance confirm
After completion of the application and the acceptance confirm participants are provided – upon request- documents confirming their participation
in the program, conference or related activities, toward applying for funds in their supporting organizations.
Attendance fee : Euro 20 (2 days including coffee breaks, cocktails and snacks)
For more details please contact to Conference Secretariat, e-mail: scientificongress@gmail.com
After completion of the application and the acceptance confirm participants are provided – upon request- documents confirming their participation
in the program, conference or related activities, toward applying for funds in their supporting organizations.
Cancellations policy
For cancellations before May 15th, 2017, 50% refund will be applicable.
Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded.
Cancellations must be made in writing to Conference Secretariat, e-mail: scientificongress@gmail.com
Late arrival, unused services, unattended sessions or events or early departure from the conference, fall on the participant
and can not be accepted upon demand for reimbursement
Fees payments through PayPal address: scientificongress@gmail.com
Proof of payment also sent in the e-mail address : scientificongress@gmail.com
Please obtain the Conference Registration form in the link below: